Friday, March 9, 2012

Book 7: Laura Whitcomb's "A Certain Slant of Light"

Yes, I bring you yet another book about the dead, and yet another one about ghosts. I assure you however, this one is quite different. Found in the Young Adult section (I don't know why I allow myself to shop for books anymore, I am far too poor for it), this book cover attracted me again, along with it's title. I quite enjoy Emily Dickinson though she isn't my favorite poet and this is a title of one of her numerous poems. 

The book tells the tale of Helen, a ghost of unknown origin or back story. Her mystery is the story. She tells the tales of each "host" she has haunted, to keep herself from what she proclaims to be hell. All we know in the beginning that she died a long time ago, and has enormous guilt over something that happened. Normally, I most likely would say "what the hell?" and move on. I'm a bit of an impatient person despite no effort whatsoever to change that.

In the present, she haunts an English teacher, and does her best to inspire him to write, despite his wife who distracts him. The Mr. Brown, has no idea that he is being haunted. It is in one of his high school English classes that Helen is seen for the first time. By a human. The boy proclaims himself to be named James and he has a secret. One that allows him to see Helen.

This book is beautiful, from the cover to the imagery, to the words written. It tells this story and I can see and the world she inhabits so easily in my mind it's actually a little creepy. 

There was one aspect of the book I did not expect. I am talking about the big S.E.X. In surprising detail. Not that I'm a prude, but this being adolescent lit and not adult fiction, it caught me a little off guard. But hey, more power to Whitcomb. Go her. This country is too scared of sex in books despite it being everywhere else. 

I would have read this book as an adolescent, in high school, and would have thought it was awesome. There's no preaching about no sex before marriage (ahem Twilight ahem, nasty cough my typing has), and actually does show some anti-religious tendencies. 

I deem this book gorgeous, and it is a bit of a chick book, but so what? I'm a girl, it's allowed. I give it 4.5 out of five stars! Until next book, dear readers.

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